Tennessee Geography: Tennessee Regions and Landforms (2025)

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Geography and Landforms of Tennessee

Find an overview of Tennessee geography, topography, geographic land regions, land areas, and major rivers.

Access Tennessee almanac furnishing more details on the state geography, geographical and land regions, climate and weather, elevation, land areas, bordering states, and other statistical data.

Stretching 440 miles from east to west, Tennessee characterized by 6 main land regions; The Blue Ridge, the Appalachian Ridge and Valley Region, the Appalachian Plateau, the Highland Rim, the Nashville Basin, and the Gulf Coastal Plain.

Tennessee Highest, Lowest, & Mean Elevations

Mean Elevation 900 ft.
Highest Point Clingmans Dome
6,643 ft.
Lowest Point Mississippi River
178 ft.

Tennessee Land Area (Square Miles)

Geographic Center In Rutherford County, 5 mi. NE of Murfreesboro
Longitude: 86° 37.3'W
Latitude: 35° 47.7'N
Total Area 42,143.27 sq. mi.
Land Area 41,217.12 sq. mi.
Water Area 926.15 sq. mi.
Forested Land Area 51.6%
(Length - Width)
440 miles - 120 miles

Tennessee: Physiographic Regions

Tennessee characterized by 6 main land regions;

  1. The Blue Ridge,
  2. the Appalachian Ridge and Valley Region,
  3. the Appalachian Plateau,
  4. the Highland Rim,
  5. the Nashville Basin, and the
  6. Gulf Coastal Plain.

Blue Ridge

On the border of North Carolina on the eastern edge of Tennessee is the Blue Ridge. High mountains in this area are The Great Smoky Mountains, the Chilhowee Mountains and the Snowbird Mountains. 5,000 feet above sea level is the average elevation of the Blue Ridge area. Clingman's Dome (6,643 feet above sea level) is the highest point in the state and is found in the Great Smoky Mountains.

Appalachian Ridge and Valley Region

Running west from the Blue Ridge for about 55 miles is the Appalachian Ridge and Valley Region. Fertile valleys separated by wooded ridges make up this area. The Great Valley where valleys become wider and the ridges are lower are also located in this region and are in the western section of the Appalachian Ridge and Valley Region.

Appalachian Plateau

Located to the west of the Appalachian Ridge and Valley Region is the Appalachian Plateau. It is also referred to as the Cumberland Plateau. It is covered with flat-topped mountains and is separated by sharp valleys. It rises from 1,500 feet to 1,800 feet above sea level. Southwest of Chattanooga and located in the southern part of the Appalachian Plateau is Lookout Mountain and provides views of seven states.

Highland Rim

Highland Rim lies west of the Appalachian Plateau. It is an elevated plain that surrounds the Nashville Basin. The Pennyroyal Region is located in the northern section of the Highland Rim.

Nashville Basin

The Nashville Basin, known for its rich, fertile farm country and is surrounded by the steep slopes of the Highland Rim.

Gulf Coastal Plain

The Gulf Coastal Plain lies west of the Highland Rim and Nashville Basin. It is the largest land region in terms of area in Tennessee. This area begins at the Gulf of Mexico and extends north into southern Illinois. The Gulf Coastal Plain (in Tennessee) is divided into three sections that extend from the Tennessee River, in the east, to the Mississippi River in the west. The western bank of the Tennessee River is hilly land that is the easternmost section. This section is only about 10 miles wide. An area called the Tennessee bottoms or the bottom land is to the west of this narrow strip of land. It is a wide area of rolling hills and streams that stretches all the way to Memphis in western Tennessee. The Tennessee Bottoms end in steep bluffs overlooking the Mississippi River in Memphis. The Mississippi Alluvial Plain (sometimes called The Delta Region) is to the west of the Tennessee Bottoms is less than 300 feet above sea level. This is an area of lowlands, flood plains and swamp land.

Tennessee Landscape and Landforms:

East Gulf Coastal Plain

The East Gulf Coastal Plain extends from the Florida Parishes of Louisiana over most of Mississippi, some of western Tennessee and Kentucky, the southwestern 2/3 of Alabama, and the western panhandle of Florida. Its southern boundary is the Gulf of Mexico and its western boundary the drop into the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. On the north it extends to the highlands of the Interior Low Plateaus and southern Appalachians. To the east, there is an arbitrary break with the South Atlantic Coastal Plain at the Alabama-Georgia border south through Florida along the Apalachicola River. The flat to rolling topography is broken by numerous streams and river bottoms. Uplands are dominated by pine, originally longleaf and slash in the south and shortleaf mixed with hardwoods in the north. These are fire-maintained systems that give way to loblolly pine and hardwoods in damper areas and bottomland hardwood forest in extensive lowland drainages.

Interior Low Plateaus

The Interior Low Plateaus constitute a diverse landscape that extends from north Alabama across central Tennessee and Kentucky into southern Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. It consists of six distinct subregions: the Shawnee Hills, Bluegrass region, Western Highland Rim, Central Basin, Eastern Highland Rim, and Tennessee Valley. Its hilly topography sets it apart from the Coastal Plain to the south and Prairie Peninsula to the north. To the west, the valley of the Mississippi River separates the Interior Low Plateaus from the Ozark Highlands, the two of which share many similarities. Western mesophytic, oak-hickory, and beech-maple forests were historically the most abundant cover types. There were also tallgrass prairie elements in the north and northwest, oak savannahs in the Bluegrass and other northern sections, barrens and glades in central regions, and forested wetlands along major waterways

Mississippi Alluvial Valley

This area includes the floodplain of the Mississippi River that cuts into the Gulf Coastal Plain, extending north to and including the delta at the confluence of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers and south toward the Gulf of Mexico. The Alluvial Valley includes most of eastern Louisiana, eastern Arkansas, northwest Mississippi, small portions of west Tennessee and Kentucky, the bootheel of Missouri, and the Cache River lowlands of Illinois. Nonforested marsh in southern portions of the floodplain is included in the Coastal Prairie physiographic area. Water shaped this land. The ridges and swales, levees, oxbows, and terraces of the Valley all resulted from meanderings and floods of the Mississippi River. Small changes in elevation determine how wet a site is, the plant community that grows there, and habitat conditions for birds.

Northern Cumberland Plateau

This is a largely forested, gently rolling tableland ranging from 300 m. To 580 m. in elevation. It is defined by the higher Eastern Highland Rim of the Interior Low Plateaus on the west and the Cumberland Mountains of the Ridge and Valley physiographic area on the east. The Cumberland Plateau extends south out of this physiographic area, where it is included with the Southern Ridge and Valley, and narrowly northward as well. As defined, the Northern Cumberland Plateau includes the eastern third of Kentucky, southwestern West Virginia, a small area in western Virginia, and a swath across Tennessee barely extending into Alabama and Georgia. Mixed mesophytic forest dominated by oaks, hickory, and, historically, American chestnut, is the most common cover type. Various pine species become more dominant on drier sites.

Southern Blue Ridge

The Southern Blue Ridge is an area of rugged mountains, long broad ridges, steep slopes, and deep ravines. It straddles the border between Tennessee and North Carolina, extending south into northeast South Carolina and northwest Georgia and north into Virginia. High Peaks spruce-fir forest grades at lower elevations into northern hardwood forest or hemlock-white pine forest on steep, north-facing slopes and Appalachian oaks on drier sites. The Appalachian oak type is the most widespread forest type in the area. Mixed mesophytic hardwood forests, also called cove forests, over on more mesic sites at low to mid-elevations. Various southern yellow pine mixes occur on dry ridges, often associated with a fire regime. There are also riparian forest types along valleys at various elevations, primarily in the lowlands. Disturbance, including fire, grazing, and storm damage, plays a major role in determining the distribution and successional status of many of these forest types.

Southern Ridge and Valley

This physiographic area consists of both the Southern end of the Ridge and Valley system as well as the tablelands of the Southern Cumberland Plateau. It descends to the Coastal Plain to the south and rises to the Blue Ridge to the east. It is located in eastern Tennessee, northwest Georgia, and northeast Alabama, and is arbitrarily separated from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Valley at the Tennessee-Virginia border. Upland deciduous forest, the most common naturally-occurring cover type, is predominantly mixed mesophytic, oak-hickory, or oak-pine forest. There is also a considerable area dominated by pine, either shortleaf or loblolly.

Tennessee Geography: Tennessee Regions and Landforms (2025)


Tennessee Geography: Tennessee Regions and Landforms? ›

Its landforms range from the Blue Ridge Mountains in the eastern part of the state to flat and fertile plains along the Mississippi River. The state is geographically, legally, culturally, and economically divided into three Grand Divisions: East Tennessee, Middle Tennessee, and West Tennessee.

What are the 10 physiographic regions of Tennessee? ›

From east to west, they are the Unaka Mountains, Great Valley of East Tennessee, Cumberland Plateau, Eastern Highland Rim, Central Basin, Western Highland Rim, Western Valley, Plateau Slope of West Tennessee and the Mississippi River Flood Plain.

What is the Tennessee region? ›

Tennessee (/ˌtɛnɪˈsiː/ TEN-iss-EE, locally /ˈtɛnɪsi/ TEN-iss-ee), officially the State of Tennessee, is a landlocked state in the Southeastern region of the United States.

What are the three zones of Tennessee? ›

Grand DivisionPopulation (2020 census)Area in mi2 (km2)
East Tennessee2,470,10513,558 square miles (35,120 km2)
Middle Tennessee2,883,08617,009 square miles (44,050 km2)
West Tennessee1,557,64910,650 square miles (27,600 km2)
State of Tennessee6,910,84041,217 (106,751)

What type of landforms are in Tennessee? ›

Its landforms range from the Blue Ridge Mountains in the eastern part of the state to flat and fertile plains along the Mississippi River. The state is geographically, legally, culturally, and economically divided into three Grand Divisions: East Tennessee, Middle Tennessee, and West Tennessee.

Does Tennessee have a desert? ›

Tucked in a valley of the Cherokee National Forest , on the border of Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia, Ducktown once reflected the beauty of the surrounding Appalachian Mountains. Instead, Ducktown and the valley known as the Copper Basin now form the only desert east of the Mississippi.

What are the 5 themes of geography for Tennessee? ›

  • Location.
  • Place.
  • Human-Environment Interaction.
  • Movement.
  • Regions.

What part of Tennessee has the most mountains? ›

Along the Tennessee-North Carolina border lie the Great Smoky Mountains, the most rugged and elevated portion of Tennessee, with numerous peaks from 4,000 to 6,000 feet. This region is defined as Division 1 (East Tennessee).

What is the topography of Tennessee? ›

Tennessee Topographical Features

Tennessee's land forms include the Mississippi River valley and a coastal plain in the west, the Cumberland Plateau in the center, and the Smoky Mountain foothills in the east. Major rivers in Tennessee include the Tennessee, Cumberland, and Mississippi.

What is the coldest month in Tennessee? ›

Cold seasons are shorter here, lasting for about 3 months out of the year, with January ranked as the coldest month. Rain is the most likely form of precipitation in winter, as the temperature usually hovers in the low 40s.

What are the three regions in Tennessee? ›

Tennessee is located in the Southeastern United States. In recognition of vast regional differences, the state is divided into three grand divisions recognized under state law: East Tennessee, Middle Tennessee, and West Tennessee.

What is the nickname of Tennessee? ›

What is Tennessee's motto? ›

The state of Tennessee's motto is “Agriculture and Commerce,” taken from the wording used on the state seal. The motto was officially adopted in 1987 by Public Chapter 402 by the 95th General Assembly.

What divides East and Middle Tennessee? ›

The boundary between East Tennessee and Middle Tennessee is on the Cumberland Plateau, which was a major barrier to travel and commerce during much of the state's early history. The boundary is close to the line between the Eastern and Central time zones.

What grow zone is TN in? ›

Summer temperatures statewide average in the mid 70s and the winters average just below 40 degrees. Tennessee growing zones range from 5b to 8a.

What are the 6 regions of the United States? ›

The country is divided into six regions: New England, the mid-Atlantic, the South, the Midwest, the Southwest, and the West. European settlers came to New England in search of religious freedom. These states are Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

How many TN state natural areas are there? ›

Tennessee has 85 state natural areas that are divided into two classes: Class I – Scenic-Recreational. Class II – Natural-Scientific.

What are 5 natural resources in Tennessee? ›

Tennessee's natural resources include but are not limited to wildlife, forests, grasslands, fish, water, air, soils, and their interrelationships.

What are the six natural regions of Kentucky? ›

Within the state, six smaller regions may be identified, based on the underlying rock structure: Mountain, Knobs, Bluegrass, Pennyrile (or Pennyroyal), Western Coalfield, and Purchase.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.